Eve Luncheon Meat

Eve Luncheon Meat

Verdict- Bronze!!- average product

Up to the age of 11 my mother would make me lunch for school. She would often prepare luncheon meat sandwiches. I would eat them but to be honest luncheon meat was not my favourite lunch snack.

I also remember that while I was at university there was little time to prepare food and not enough money to buy food. And this is where foods like Eve luncheon meat would come in handy. I often ate it with bread and a little mayonnaise.

It was relatively cheap, can store for a long time, has consistent quality, was easy to prepare and could easily be frozen for future use. This product is one that is wise to keep in your cupboard, even though it may not be a favourite food of yours.And it is a good food to have if you live in a hurricane prone area.

That’s my experience with this product....what’s yours? Tell it below.


Topic: Eve Luncheon Meat

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